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Título : Caracterización de aglutininas presentes en frutos de la dieta regional
Autor(es): Adriana Jheny Rodríguez Méndez
Palabras clave: Aglutininas
Fecha de publicación : 1999
Editorial : Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
Facultad: Facultad de Química
Programa académico: Químico Farmacéutico Biólogo
Resumen: Lectins are proteins that bind carbohydrate residues in a specific manner and are widely distributed in the living organisms. Lectins play many important physiological roles as defense mechanism in plants, or membrane receptors in animals. Also, lectins have been used both in the industry, i.e. for the isolation of human lactoferrin from cow milk, and in the academy, i.e. for the isolation and purification of biologically active glycoconjugate. Since 1900, human blood groups were typified by using lectins. Recently, lectins have been used to monitoring the changes on cell surface associated to malignant transformation and to explore new diagnostic methods for malignancies or alternative therapies for cancer. Our country possesses an enormous vegetal diversity, and such richness is reflected by the national diet. Fruits such as cucumber (Cuccumis sativus L.), "huamiche" (Ferocactus histrix [OC.] Lindsay), "tomate verde" (Physa/is philadelphica Lam.) and "xoconostle" (Opuntia joconostle Weber & Diguet), are usual components of the regional diet. However, so far there are studies neither on the presence of lectins in these fruits, nor on the biological effects of such lectins or on their possible applications. To approach these subjects, crude extracts from the seeds of these fruits were screened for the presence of hemagglutinating activities. The crude extracts of the tour fruits analyzed exhibited hemagglutinating activities with different titers, such as 905 U/mg in cucumber, 320 U/mg in "huamiche", 640 U/mg in "tomate verde" and 320 U/mg in "xoconostle". Electrophoretic analyses of the extracts showed diverse polypeptide bands present in them. Protein nature of xoconostle agglutinin was analyzed by different parameters such as termostability, and treatment with insoluble trypsin. Trypsin inhibitors were also determined in xoconostle fractions by a spectrophotometric method
URI: https://ri-ng.uaq.mx/handle/123456789/7357
Otros identificadores : 1528 - RI003512.pdf
Aparece en: Químico Farmacéutico Biólogo

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