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dc.contributorJuan Carlos Antonio Jáuregui Correaes_ES
dc.creatorGerardo Hurtado Hurtadoes_ES
dc.descriptionThe dynamic response of a railroad vehicle is affected by the frictional forces generated at the wheel-rail contact surface. The friction in the wheels consist of tangential collisions with the rail that affect the vehicle dynamics, which can be measured using the vehicle's vibration level. In this study, the vibrations of a scaled-down railway vehicle undertaking a braking maneuver are monitored to determine the coefficient of friction at the wheels. The 1:20-scale rail vehicle is equipped with encoders, accelerometers, and a Bluetooth control. The tests are conducted on both a clean and on a friction-modified railway. To relate the level of vibration measured in each test with high or low coefficients of friction, suitable statistical indices were selected. Furthermore, and using a correlation algorithm based upon the Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT), it is demonstrated that frictional forces are transmitted to the vehicle body. The output data indicate that the vibrations characteristics depend on the wheels’ coefficient of friction, which can be used to classify it as a high or a low friction, and that it is possible to study the tangential forces during braking using the vehicle's vibrations.es_ES
dc.formatAdobe PDFes_ES
dc.rightsAcceso Abiertoes_ES
dc.subjectIngeniería y Tecnologíaes_ES
dc.subjectCiencias Tecnológicases_ES
dc.subjectOtras Especialidades Físicases_ES
dc.titleRespuesta dinámica de los vehículos ferroviarios derivada del coeficiente de fricción rueda-rieles_ES
dc.typeTesis de doctoradoes_ES
dc.degree.nameDoctorado en Mecatrónicaes_ES
dc.degree.departmentFacultad de Ingenieríaes_ES
Aparece en: Doctorado en Mecatrónica

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