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dc.rights.license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 es_ES
dc.contributor Juvenal Rodríguez Reséndiz es_ES
dc.creator Luis Ernesto Fernández Rodríguez es_ES
dc.date 2020-11-11
dc.date.accessioned 2020-12-11T15:37:55Z
dc.date.available 2020-12-11T15:37:55Z
dc.date.issued 2020-11-11
dc.identifier.uri http://ri-ng.uaq.mx/handle/123456789/2499
dc.description This project describes the hardware design of a Supervision, Control and Monitoring System, SCADA, implemented by means of a Field Programmable Gate Array, FPGA. Implementing an FPGA allows the end user to tailor the controller to the application, with capabilities such as parallel processing, reconfiguration, and deployment of hardware accelerators. In an industrial environment this entails a system that is more economical than the commercially available alternatives (PLCs, SCADAs and distributed control systems), up to 90 % considering the cost of developing the prototype, and with a flexible, adaptable architecture and higher performance. The proposed hardware consists of four parts, analog and digital input and output cards, communications, and a base board connected to the FPGA. es_ES
dc.format Adobe PDF es_ES
dc.language.iso spa es_ES
dc.relation.requires No es_ES
dc.rights Acceso Abierto es_ES
dc.subject FPGA es_ES
dc.subject Control es_ES
dc.subject PLC es_ES
dc.subject NIOS es_ES
dc.subject SCADA es_ES
dc.subject.classification INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA es_ES
dc.title SCADA Hardware Framework based on Modular FPGA es_ES
dc.type Tesis de licenciatura es_ES
dc.creator.tid CURP es_ES
dc.contributor.tid curp es_ES
dc.creator.identificador FERL951109HQTRDS00 es_ES
dc.contributor.identificador RORJ840929HQTDSV02 es_ES
dc.contributor.role Director es_ES
dc.degree.name Ingeniería en Automatización es_ES
dc.degree.department Facultad de Ingeniería es_ES
dc.degree.level Licenciatura es_ES

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